Monday, November 22, 2004

The "Other" RED SPOT: Jupiter's Red Spot Junior is a smaller construction that has seemed to form out of other smaller structures of the last few years. The idea of the cohesion of the slush of the Red Spot Jr. and that the GRS formed from another realm of the impactor are both possible in one giant world's geology. What would be the surface of the slush of Jupiter if cohesive enough to adjust to an impact feature like the GRS over long times may also cohere to smaller spots perhaps built up of the stuff the GRS had lost by heat and weathering. That the GRS is of the same origin as the smaller swirls may be no more definite than to say that in geology the Earth's mid oceanic mountains and the Ring of Fire were formed of the same cause. In the Earth's geology the mid oceanic ridge was caused by gradual heating of the earth from the inside with the otherwise linear line of lava from the both zones of the higher latitudes being moved more to the West (like to the West for the center of the ridge nearer the equator in the Carribean) by the faster equatorial spin of the earth as in the math of Euler. The circular belt of the Ring of Fire is believed by most geologists to have been caused by the capture of the moon. The moon capture in the history of the Earth was much more in power, so lava flow of the ring of fire, if of the moon's origin, is much faster than the lava of the mid ocean mountains on the other side of Central America. Thus to say that all the features of a planet are always caused by internal forces is incomplete, general structures may be of origins from forces inner or outside. If Red Spot Junior is has another cause and was perhaps formed more like a storm, we might expect it to dissapate faster like a storm would in perhaps a few years, while the larger impact basin of the GRS would be present over geologic time, sort of like in Earth weather lore the saying is, If it takes a long time to build up the storm will last and if it builds up fast it doesn't last. Certainly if the GRS dissapates rapidly this would cause the sun to heat more like in the interglacial ages of the pliestocene, a definite prediction unless the other features on Jupiter are also a cause of the solar power.
The recent impactor of Jupiter on 7 20 09 (15 years after the impact of comet other comet, Levy S. with Jupiter and 40 years after the Apollo moon mission) left an impact feature that was still seen weeks after the event. This means the surface of Jupiter may well be semifluid to have held the impact site's impression. In my GRS causology the ratio of surface pressure to radiant heat must be high enough to create a surface of slush or fluid for the GRS to have stability over geologic time, and this seems a better explanation than a cyclone if the cyclone would lose heat over weeks or months and the GRS is more permanent.
UPDATE Jan 2010! Sure enough, this red spot has used Benzoyl Oxide! Click here for the MSN Post.