Friday, November 24, 2006

We all talk about it, finally somebody is doing something about it!
For example, if we would rather take heat waves, here's how!
An interesting method of controlling storms is thought to be with a maser or laser from above. Small robot helicopters could go to near them and use propeller blades or particle or water jet beams to slice through the air column, cutting off the flow and stopping the siphon. Heating and cooling beams from the ground or higher up may be of value for weather control.
As research with weather proves, hurricanes use heat for their power. Thus there are patents on a submarine powered by uranium or other power would go beneath the waves a bit where the wave motion is stopped by the physics and could sail into the eye of the storm and use a siphon of cool ocean water from below. To slice the typhoon outward and by cutting off a lot of the heat flow it would either stop the typhoon or move it at any rate where most of the power source of the storm is reduced. Other methods of steering storms may be using instead of a boat a submarine with underwater propellors to make currents under one side of the eyewall. There are fewer waves under the surface so it would be perhaps more reliable, and water is also considered to be an incompressable solid by physics to boost with more efficient force, the sub would be a sort of tugboat to move the hurricane. Other plans may involve explosions with conventional explosives on the inside of the eye to use some of the centrifugal force to move the storm to one side to the other. This is sort of like power steering in a Yugo or Geo Jeep Mazda bizoommercial, the force on both sides makes it so you can more easily control where you go. And the idea of putting large tarps, or compounds on one side of the inner eye of the hurricane may also be of use, because these also may use part of the hurricane's own spin to move the storms to safer waves. The foam or other layer if with raised fins on the water between the waves and the rain may direct the motion of the storm by using the change in the heat flow. This may then multiply on up to control the direction of the storm's motion by the balance of the force on both sides.
(Or Using Icebergs from the N or S to control the path of Tropical Storms By Making a Heat or Cooling Path The Storm [Powered By Heat] Could Follow)
Improving Urban Weather While Saving Lives
The earth has about 2000 thunderstorms at any given hour. Although thunder may be god's praise for a giant beach and motel in the heat, lightning causes 100 fatalities a year, and harms a thousand. The main problems of lightning for power are that it would take lots of high towers, which would cost a lot. And while a lightning bolt has lots of power fast, most of it is sound and light, both of which are uncollectable by our machines, i.e. we must go up to the clouds and return just to collect the power if most of the bolt is above the ground with light and sound collectors. And no doubt by collection of the power of bolts it would take a giant circuit breaker box unless there were a more constant trickle that would collect almost as much power without the giant boost, the same way lighting rods are safe for residential dwellers. According to calculations high towers would have to be built. A much cheaper method has been devised via particle beams all the way from the surface and higher up. These are beamed from small robot helicopters, moved to the scene of approaching storms from an airplane sent out to cover each region from central stations. While many stationary towers are to expensive, using and reusing lots of these small "towers" may make air ion collection of this sort viable. The power trickles in before the charge can build up and sent by another particle beam from the small robot helicopters to nearby power wires. The field around the outside of the wires then carries the power to regional collectors or directly to the power co..If many towers were used and all the bolts flowed always to safer realms by the worth of the beams this may reduce the risk of lightning fatalities in nonrural areas. (My realtor has the divine right of site managers, where she parks her house boat when she commutes and our living is by the shore!) A lightning bolt in a storm has about the power of a kiloton of fusion power and if all of it were collected gradually this is enough stored heat to heat the whole region via the stored up heat with perhaps lasers from a few central towers, or cool the area with cooling beams or electric coolers in summer. A laser beam from a tower using some of the stored power would beam a wide cone shape around a whole region, while stopping heat loss from a larger area. It would melt the snow in the winter as it falls (the main method of removal of heat from lawns from walks of me was always to wait for Christmas!). The beam of this second plan of a weather control tower would be turned off a bit if planes were between the lightning and the laser. To seal in the heat the cone has a collecting wire where the laser reaches the top of insulation wall around the outside of the area to be heated or cooled to recycle the power and keep the temperature praised for the rain by the farmers and praised for the heat by Aleutians. While this urban zone would stop wind and melt snow as well as retain heat in winter, it would need more lasers than could be built to actually stop rain. In ancient greek the word "utopia" means "nowhere". Many in prehistoric times may have walked far each year for the good weather, it would just have taken 200 days a year of walking a few miles in the morning to stay without the heat in summer. We have this now, on June 21 we all go to OH, and on Fab 4th many rewind thier wristwatch in hopes of a VW Beatles renuion!
Another way to lightning power collection is via electric generators for individual lightning protectors of residential zones. Like the portable towers above they wouldn't have to use superstrong wires or generators anymore than it would take to save a usual residence from storms since via Ben Franklin's invention of the lightning rod lightning won't strike a house because it absorbs all or most of the wave before it builds up, so with a continous connection, the imbalance of charge that a bolt of lightning rewires is mostly relieved by a more unified flow. This reduction of flow before it builds up might be aided by computer so it's powerful enough but not unsafe. So with just a small flow of power a small collection machine would find lots of power over a period of months or years . If the machine just cost 200 and if one storm a year hit and collected 600 (returned to the power vendor by just rewiring it with power wires beside the house where the power was boomed with a sigh) this would be 600 in profit with each house a year. A franchise of these machines where they would offer the machines to others for part of the cash might be a good business. Or one business might lease out machines of either capacitors at no cost for a sort of calm sleep in storms if the soft sound of flow of riches on the roof causes sleep!...

A solution for global warming has been believed to be a giant wall between the sun and the earth high up and 600 miles wide, but just a millimeter deep saving money. Even so cost may be high they say for the materials and price of the boost. The same good weather for astronomers is bad weather for agriculture. About weather control, if it fails a bit and steers the storm to land, many people involved would sue the insurance company for giant misdemeaners (but they may be paid by people on the shores who were saved, with gratitude). Even so hurricane control and other such plans have to be reliable. This may be improved via better weather computers to know ahead. A Causal Link Between Hurricanes and Dust has been found in weather research in 2008. More dust, less hurricanes. This may be caused by drying, cooling, or more wind. If the dust stops most hurricanes by cooling, using the shield for this may be a good way to help weather control, building first the smaller shield to save the Atlantic and with the worth of the experience then we may see if a shield would be of worth for larger scale weather control. The shield may be used just to shield the realm around one tropical storm and seeing how this could influence the hurricane. If for example cooling on one side of a storm moved it in that direction, we could then use the relatively cheap shields to save a lot of damage by control of the direction of the storm. As our knowledge about how dust and heat or cool may influence hurricanes or perhaps other storms, another possible way to add dust may be via a laser or other methods to move a (small) meteorite from its orbit to add heat and dust, and so on to control the hurricane. If say a amount of "stardust" or amount b of heat change the path of a hurricane a certain amount, we then could try moving the meteorite that has increased heat a+c or dust b+d to add more change in our favor once we know how the meteorite may influence the storm. Although moving the jet stream lower or higher in latitude by some method such as fans aloft via balloons is something that not could even have been forecast by NOAAH or Von Niemann, this may be of worth for weather control. A problem for the Insurance Umbrella is about assurance, the people in the tropics may like it, but others in the north would hope for heat waves. Who knows what Nancy R's Astronomer or Astrology might think? Even if not perfect, world sized weather control may be better than too much hot or cool weather, (and not just in summer!). I think the shield would be a lense so it would perhaps warm the arctic and antartic but cool the tropics. By making nano refraction gaps in the shade it would refract the light just so. The cost would still be high however so a solution may be via magnetic bubbles. A magnetic bubble is a field around a magnet used much like a sail in the solar wind. The solar wind is a constant stream of particles from the sun, and because of its real power, it exerts pressure like the wind that was the breath of the goddess in ancient times. The magnetic bubble is a huge sail that is much cheaper than such as of a solar sail of real physical mass. Although the bubble may be large the actual weight of the machine source of the bubble may be much smaller than the shade. If a bubble were used for the plan it may be much cheaper and is an application of existing science so it would be achievable sooner. Obviously the bubble interacts with the solar heat, and the heat also would be used for more power. By using the bubbles in tandem optimal combinations of the light that reaches the world would be produced. The sun is the power source of the magnetic bubble, and if the sun was of reduced heat the shield may be of use to heat the earth generally also. This may take just usual atomic power that powers the beam like a watch. If the the sail is cheaper it may be better because many may fear the posssible use of the heating power of the lense as a weapon. Even so if there were a weather catastrophe like a large drop or increase in heat caused by man's change in the enviroment, the lower cost may make the bubble more of worth.
Magnetic or electromagnetic refraction takes place only in "nonlinear media" like air as on This Wikipedia Site so the field would be filled with some type of air in uses like to make a giant lense for telescopes to see distant stars and worlds. For regions like northern cities in winter the field would both hold in the air in a bubble so it would be easier to heat and also act as a lens to focus the light and heat in the smaller area of the city. The city itself could be protected from the radiance of the field by only using the field above the land (only the upper part of the field is there by shields or machines to make just the upper half of the field). By adding more and more of the bubbles the entire vast region to the North might become useful land for development. Magnetic bubbles could also be used as a large solar power lense to concentrate the heat at a central realm where it's converted to electric power. Like the lense this would be of much larger size so it could collect much more solar power than todays machines that use mirrors. While bubbles can only refract and not reflect they can multiply the power if a there is a focus on the other side. To make the lense higher up either air could be in the field in orbit, smaller fields could be used near the earth, or aircraft that would be above most of the weather might be sources of the bubble that could focus the heat and light. To cool the deserts shields or bubbles above them might be used in orbit. It would be worth much to have the agriculture and development of the desert.
I saw this watch biz, it said it was sharp to 8 billionths of a memo. I said 10 billionths of an hour, I wasn't even used to a month in The Old Country!

Typhoon or Superbowl DMXCCVLX?

Is the Great Red Spot of Jupiter a giant cyclone or anticyclone? While this has been the accepted belief in books like Carl Sagan's giant bestseller "Cosmos", that the feature may have been dug out by impact of a comet or ect that smashed in the side of Jupiter may be a better explanation, it would have dug in the slush below the vapor at the highest of Jupiters atmosphere and solidified. Unlike weather on earth a permanent storm would have short duration! All such storms on earth are always just a few weeks and then dissipate. With the much higher wind speed of Jupiter, a permanent cyclone would be more improbable. The impact cause has several advantages. The rich red hue of the spot would be explained by the impact of a meteor, most iron rich, or other methane containing body, i.e. a comet.. Just one cyclone instead of many like on Earth would be because unlike the cooling of the earth and the bubbles of heat that are common, an impact with a comet or asteroid would be rare. Cyclones of other more common source would be usual, and would explain the usual whorls seen by Voyager and Airostar with a Moonroof Sale Priced at 10 Million in the Showroom! The dugout shape however of the inside of the spot would be because of it's history via impact (this would be improbable with a typhoon which has a definite eye). And when you see the edge of the spot from a distance sometimes it has a definite raised edge. This would be explained by the edge of the crater being somewhat sawed off at the heights by the level level of high upper level winds. Outside raised borders are not seen in tropical storms. The spot may not have eroded more than this because of the mostly inert compounds formed by the impact.
This general explanation may be of import because of the 11 year solar heating and cooling cycle; this is almost the period of Jupiter's orbit. The sun would radiate power, this would fire up Jupiter's field which would boost the solar power more, and this would repeat. (It wouldn't fire up indefinitely because mostly it would be powered by Jupiter's field and this is limited although much more in power than the solar field.) The period of the sunspots overall is a twenty two year cycle. If the sun heats up Jupiter and it heats up the sun in a and then Jupiter repeats the cycle in a continous reinforcing power mode and if the field of Jupiter was damped by an interruption of the field lines this could be an explanation of all or most of the glacial periods of the history of the earth and may make it so we can control how much heat in general the earth recieves (see below). If a spot producing comet or meteor would slosh into Jupiter, this would interrupt the field lines of Jupiter thus generally cooling the sun.
Imaging over recent months and years shows that Neptune and Mars heat up when the earth heats, and this would be explained by the solar power not greenhouse heating.
The ice ages were christmas boxed in what seem to be multiples of 25,000 years.. The spin of the Earth is also known to have a slow westward motion of this 25,00 year duration.
Correlation of The Huron Record with The Glacial Record
(After N.C. Nelson and Others)
North America/Europe/ Dates In Years B.C.(est.)
Recent Epoch/Recent epoch/5000, 6,500, 15,000
Wisconsin Glacial Age/Wurm Glacial Age/55,000 -25,000 to 100,000
Sangamon Interglacial/Riss Wurm Integlacial/100,000 to 225,000
Illinoian Glacial Age/Riss Glacial Age/225,000 to 325,00o
Yarmouth Interglacial/Mindel Riss Interglacial/325,000 to 600,000
Kansas Glacial Age/Mindel Glacial Age/600,000 to 700,000
Aftonian Interglacial/Gunz Mindel Interglacial/700,000 to 900,000
Nebraskan Glacial Age/Gunz glacial Age/900,000 to 1,000,000
The record of the ice ages are found to be with three 100,000 year periods, (Illinoian Nebraska, and Kansan) and a fourth, (Wisconsin) of 75,000 years. And the interglacial ages are 200,000, 275,000 (Aftonian and Yarmouth), and 125,000 years for the Sangamon. You'll notice these are all multiples of 25,000 years.
Jupiter's heat is known to be powered from inside pressure so if a spot is on the side it would be eroded and bubbled away by millions of years of heat. This would explain why with polar cycles of precession the earth is not eternally in and out of ice ages.
The rare event of the reduced solar heat by the great impactor would set the stage.
The earth with reduced heat would sometimes be in the realm of its orbit to cause the onset of the ice age by the the winters cold and the summers mild, they are unalike in the N hemisphere. The North would be far from the sun in winter in the same time of the precession in it's orbit in the slow 25,000 year cycle, and tilted toward it yet near in a cool summer with the same tilt relative to the stars in our own age. With cool solar heat, the summers would be mild and too cool to melt the ice and snow even with the earth tilted toward the sun and near it even in Northern summer beause the increase in heat by being near and tilting toward the solar heat would be mostly offset by the cooler sun. Then with the glaciers formed, just as with a gyro with more weight above would tilt more and spin much slower in precession, the earth would have spun slower. This would explain why the ice ages were in multiples of 25,000 years, the precession was in a slow mode and in a resonance of the 25,000 years like the resonance of the moons of Saturn or other resonances in the solar system. When the ice age was over the moon by the prcession slowly moving the N into the sunlight would level the earth up and the usual 25,000 year cycle would resume. I've found (as of June 08) on the web (wiki) that the earth has a regular change of angle called obliquity that is of shorter duration than the ice ages and this oscillation is not the cause of the ice age. Instead though the general conclusion of geologists is that it's caused by a longer 100,000 year resonance cycle, it's not a regular cycle and there is overlapping of the times of the cycles not in 100,000 years. The 25,000 year resonance cycles are not in error even once about the duration and the multiples of the ice ages by the evidence and interglacial ages all fit in with some sort of 25,000 year resonance, so there may be some sort of way this takes place and causology by resonance may be the solution. If you read a physics book about pressing against a wall, since no motion takes place no work is done but if you must rest after you push the wall, you may become an editor of lots of math volumes! So it's possible the forces to create the 25,000 year resonance are balanced well with no overall motion to store up the force and then release it at the right time in the orbit. Even so we would expect to see at least some extra motion like a memo on the wall if marathons are in a wave machine!
Milankovitch believed the ice ages were caused by precession and other celestial motions of the earth relative to the stars. If the earth was continually precessing around in 100,00 or so year cycles like this, the N hemisphere would always be in and out of the heat. So a prediction of Milankovitch which is mostly about complex combinations of astronomical cycles is of subcycles in the ice ages in the ice and other ways than 25,000 years within the more mammoth cycles of 100,000 or other years. My explanation with the one main precession of 100,000 years or other 25,000 year multiples away from the sun in the N hemisphere holds that the changes in glaciation were mostly modulated by astronomical motions and generally caused by the changes in solar heat. The main mechanism that would make the ice and other ages in multiples of 25,000 year cycles would be the resonance built in the earth, not from more distant astronomy which would be of reduced power and it would be constant in duration with each 25,000 year ice age multiple. If the source of the cycle is near it would be strong to overpower the more distant sources. This would be because of the downward weight of the ice damping or other resonances. Milankovitch's explanation would have more complex astronomical causes, my causology has subchanges in general correlation just with the changes in the solar heat caused by the melting away of the impact basin or other changes of Jupiter or even Saturn. This would be proven or disproven by evidence of the same types of changes in the ice sheets of mars or other planets with evidence about changes of the solar heat at the same times in the history of the solar system.
As on this page while there is general evidence for the Milankovitch causology, problems about why it turns out to be nonlinear seem to be disproof of much of it. The old idea of the flexing of the moon by the icecaps may have value and would also be the solution of the causality problem mentioned on the site about heat rising before the solar cause for the ice age. (If the Earth started to tilt when moving out of the ice age by inertia, the heat at that zone of the Earth's surface would increase like March in the bleachers WHEN DENISE AUSTIN'S TEAM ALWAYS WINS even if the sun was at the same level of heat like the Earth's angle not the solar hear mostly causing the seasons in our own age. In general the solar heat can change by Jupiter in this causology, even so the change in the angle of the Earth would allow realms of the Earth where there was more heat just by changes in the leveling of the plane not the solar heat always.) The problem of the longer term stronger yet 400,000 year resonance predicted by the insolation causology that was disproven by evidence might be caused by the longer term changes in Jupiter's weather, not complex damping by the ice to reduce the resonance by random motion of the ice to allow the simple Milankivitch explanation. This is hardly proven science because like forcasting the weather well, the ice may have many unpredictable rates of flow over many surfaces. This may be more like predicting earthquakes than weather (If ice flow is an actual cause of the damping it would show up in all the other resonances in a linear way.) The real overall long term cause of the ice ages and the changes in the solar heat themselves are not accounted for by Milankovitch's belief. The sun would burn cooler at the right time, this would start the resonance and cool the N cap with more land. The stored resonance would only be enough to revive the earth from the ice age when the light also reached around to melt the cap, both lightening the earth's mass enough to revive it. With just one impact of the Red Spot (or just a few, there are more Spots below the clouds of Jupiter) the general long term heating and cooling of Jupiter wouldn't be probable to cause most cycles of the pliestocene and the other more ancient carboniferious and varangian ice ages other than of the most broad realm of influence, because they go in cycles. The Spot or Spots would boil off gradually in a nonlinear way, with the sun burning hot to cool in general. Neither would they be caused by the ~25,000 year resonance, it's simple too, so the cause of the start and finish of the ice ages being in resonances of ~25,000 years and multiples may be because of the influence of the cycles like the 25,000 year astronomical cycles with more influence by medium forces, this would be the only other general physics by the evidence we have to be a possible cause. All three of these influences may react in a dynamic balance, so the timing of the 25,000 year resonances is not offset by too strong or weak influence, the influence must be strong enough to start and stop the ice age, but not so strong that it would bring out the bandwidth of the 25,000 year cycles continuously. While the ice ages aren't caused by the Milankovitch resonances, they would be generally modulated by them. The 11 year sunspot cycles themselves like the period of Jupiter's orbit would perhaps be modulated by Jupiter's moon Io (Io puts out a huge torus of sulphur, to modulate in a 22 year cycle with its precession, read on for more). With the more internal cause of the resonances, the longer range influences would have reduced import beyond a cetain level of influence except to modulate the stronger ~25,000 ones.
The last ice age of 75,000 years duration was the shortest of any of the ice ages, this would be caused by the red spot starting to melt away by chemical weathering of Jupiter's radiation.
Indeed The GRS seems to be fizzling away, Click Here for a News Real Weather site! If it's being reduced at the right rate this may be why the last ice age was just 75,000 years, if the impact site reduces at the right speed there may be a general association between the rate the GRS is being reduced and the reduced time of the ice ages like this before the civilizations of ancient times. The site says the GRS has never been known to increase in size, and if the ice ages are always temporary in geologic time the craters on Jupiter that may cause global cooling of the Earth may always be fizzed away by the inner heat of the giant world, so beyond an initial phase where reduction of the field from Jupiter would be increased as the metals from the GRS would travel around the planet and finally reach a maximum, beyond this maximum the feature would perhaps be on the wane as the ice ages decreased in each general cycle in the same way for any general time of ice ages, like the Archeozoic, Paleozoic or the prehistoric glaciation near our own time.
This cooling of earth by Jupiter's weather may have value for a method of long range weather control. In hot weather, machines would be used to damp Jupiter's weather by way of addition of more impacting masses like comets if they indeed by way of Jupiter cause the sun to burn on low heat. Each asteroid or other massive object like a comet would be aimed to impact Jupiter via a beam that moves a smaller meteor by change of it's motion via gravity when it would zoom past, which would move the path of a larger comet or meteor (and this to perhaps to move a more massive one yet) to impact with Jupiter. If the weather on Earth is in an ice age due to reduction of Jupiter's field lines, computerized excavations, explosions or beams would remove the impact basin and perhaps the other features found below the visible atmosphere in other wavelengths by sensors. While it would seem there may be risk of overheating of the earth by this method because of reduction of field damping, it seems the default (standard option) of earth's weather for millions of years was when the sun was constant and mild, like the 64 million years between the dinosaur extinction and the pliestocene and other times like this in the paleozoic so the exception would be the ice ages, not the rule. Thus even if we removed all the limitations to the solar heat, it perhaps might burn no more than this baseline temperature, causing no more global warming even with modulation by this method. While I consider a baseline mode to be probable because the vast interglacial ages between the times of the cycles of cooling are with about the same amount of mild continuous heat, it's possible it would be untrue and we couldn't deice the world from the ice age by just adding to the heat by undamping the field. If there was any risk the earth would overheat by this use of machines, a more reliable method may be by shields of the umbrella type between the solar heat and the earth (see above). This explanation of the cause of global cooling would also explain global warming because solar heat is known in the late 20th and early 21st century to be at an all time high. More dust in the air from big business would heat up the air except with reduced precipitation because weather such as rain would be slowed by no sharp change in the earth's air of heat and cool that is necessary for rain or other precipitation; in the few times when the heat of the air of our earth would build up enough to break through it would produce larger storms, this could be the explanation why the recent years have had more tropical cyclones and other unusual weather. Finally a real ice age explanation of worth. You've searched a million months and sites!
The 22 year modulation of solar cycle may be caused by the satellite of Jupiter, Io. Io spews out huge sulphur from it's surface around Jupiter when compressed by tidal power of the other moons as they accelerate by on both sides at high speed. The heat of these sulphur compounds are hot because the particles are made extremely hot by the solar wind and move so fast in so much room they (not the solar heat) have the highest temperature of any mass in the solar system. Presumably the sulphur would have a N and S valence as Io precesses in a 22 year cycle (like the solar heat cycle) fitting the resonance of Jupiter's orbit going from where the charge of the sunlight would go against the field, then with it. This would explain why the solar fields reverse charge with each cycle, and other conundrums, e.g. why the heat of the solar power is hot on the inside then with more radius it's cooled and then the heat rises at more radius yet. Heat flows from hot to cold in most of physics and in the rain (if my landlady may swim in for a suprise visit!) With Jupiter's massive field to power the changes in heat the heat would be being absorbed out to the side with more of the solar power. If you see the solar wind at low ebb of the sunspot cycle (not in the higher power part of the solar cycle where the solar wind is so hot it booms out all the way around) you see the solar wind is usually with more flow on one side than the other, this would be aimed toward the field of Jupiter if this explanation is correct.
Jupiter influence of the sun may also explain the famous problem of the missing solar neutrinos. The solar neutrinos seen by astronomers are reduced by about 1/3 more than in the atomic reactions in the lab. This would seem to be a conundrum because the same physics are assumed to be in the rest of the cosmos and the solar physics would be the same. It's well established the general numbers of neutrinos wax and wane with the 11 year solar cycle, the outside magnetic field would achieve this by way of outer expansion lowering the pressure inside the sun. Almost all the numbers in subatomic physics are either vast or approaching 0, so a round number of 1/3 would be suspicious and may have it's cause in the more common physics of pressure. And since lots of neutrinos may be caused by this more general reaction in other stars, this may be of worth to cosmologists to close the universe with more neutrinos and the 1/3 more mass they would contain. Since the pressure would be lowered by gravity and the magnetic field both while Jupiter's magnetic field and the solar heat would be low there would perhaps be a regular change in the neutrinos associated with the changes in gravity caused by the morph in pressure, and this would also be seen when Saturn would align with the orbit of Jupiter if the real cause of the solar cycles is outside the sun (Saturn's mass is almost 100 and
Jupiter's mass is about 300 earth masses). With the large change in pressure, there is a large change in solar radiation not just caused by the outward flux in the magnetic field. The change of the field would cause a proportional change in the solar fusion in order for the flow of neutrinos to be caused by pressure not a revision of all of subatomic physics, this would already have been seen in the lab with billions of subatomic events seen. So we would see more solar radiation when the magnetic field is lower with more spherical pressure, or perhaps more pressure with the increased magnetic field, much like the satellites of Jupiter have tidal flexing when the other moons move by on both sides, causing heating and techtonics on these moons.
This (about the neutrinos) may only be ruled out if the new neutrino experiments are disproof with the particle accelerator experiments in Japan that are using an artifical ray of neutrinos to the Kamiokande array hundreds of miles away through the Earth. If the neutrinos change mass en route as some think they may the change in pressure by Jupiter may actually not be the cause. Though this may be a good explanation it's only one part of my page and a result not the main cause of import. Weather control may be great and this might be a nice addition to it if it also would help the astronomers and physics both.
The field of Jupiter is about 200 times the power of the solar field so it's more probable Jupiter boosts the solar power than that the solar field would power the much stronger field of Jupiter, and the solar radiation is about 1/3 the power of Jupiter's 400 mph winds. This would explain how a simple wheel of fire of old solar rhyme could have a complex 22 year cycle with a cut off at the top of each alternating cycle (This would perhaps be explained by eclipses of the plane of Io's orbit with Jupiter.). And it explains why the sunspots are in more multiples than 1 (they have twice this number!) The N and S of each spot on the solar surface would be because Jupiter's field may not be able to form lines that would power just one big North and South solar field. The realms of the solar surface resonate with Jupiter's field from the side more because of where the field would originate, and they would be divided up and more moderate in size because the solar surface would give way being fluid at some optimal seperation of the magnetic field lines than just seperation or the same as the entire diameter of the solar field or if of smaller radius than the size of the field lines seen by the telescopes.
This idea of Jupiter's modulation by way of the satellite Io may also solve the mystery of why the magnetic poles of the earth have been found to reverse 100's or 1000s of times over geologic time. Two ways have been devised to solve this problem, the Double Disk Dynamo or by way of chaos (randomness). The Dynamo causology holds that the Earth's core and mantle are like the stator and rotor of giant electric dynamo. The relative motion of the outer Earth and the core would generate the magnetic field and reversing the motion would be the cause of the flip flops of the poles. While the motion of the mantle and inner Earth are no doubt an important cause of e.g. diurnal changes the field, this idea can't be used to solve it because the Dynamo would have to reverse as the inventors of the Dynamo causology say. The Earth hasn't spun east to west once in all the history of the Earth to reverse the poles and it would have had to 100s or 1000s of times, so this extra use of the Dynamo to explain the paleohistory of the field is like a boss who says, "I thought I heard someone not clapping!" Booo!
Another way some have used to solve the problem is by way of random physics. This is when there is a bee or flower in the Samoa moves the air a bit and this then moves the air in more and more giant clouds and fronts by the common way weather often multiplies up. The proponents who use chaos and randomness as the cause say there is often no way to know if the bee caused the rain the next day in the Midwest because of the random nonlinear change of the weather or other systems too complex to know well, and this is then used by them to explain why the earth reversed the poles over much of earth history by way of some unproven dynamics that never seems to be spelled out by the proponents of this use of the physics for chaos. If you look at an isolated system the overall amount of randomness remains the same by energy conservation, this is why even if small scale randomness is seen in systems like subatomic physics we don't see infinite expansion of randomness outward. It would otherwise if chaos was a complete way of science, if some, why not more? This is something not well proven by way of chaos. For systems where energy is conserved and no work is being done like often in subatomic physics the randomness settles down to motifs like standing waves and these have more definite general worth and are so predictable they are the basis of quantum electrodynamics, the most accurate physics or science of any kind yet devised. In truth the math of Chaos would only seem to be of worth when there is outside work being done on a system, like the bee in Hawaii and the earth's weather which is powered by the sun. You may say the change in the field of the Earth might be caused by some internal force causing the polar flip flop powered by the same gravity that powers the solar fusion so this would be the same as chaos at any rate. The problem here is the same as with the dynamo, all the inertia of all the particles of the dynamo would have to reverse at once and this is unlikely by way of an internal inertial cause. The weather is unpowered from inside so neither may be some modulations of the Earth's general field. This lack of general chaos for unpowered systems is how the fields remain stable, and it's of worth to subatomic physics and for other systems for them to do so. If the cause of the modulation of the Earth's field is external like the sun which would be caused by the modulation of Jupiter by the sulphur around Jupiter's moon, Io, the field outside the Earth might often be reversed and with enough outside induction and enough time and if the field were often stronger with the Earth between Jupiter and the Sun and with enough bevel at the right time of the precession to perhaps explain the evidence for the changes in the Earth's field. In this causology I'm replacing the unknown inner chaos of the Earth with the known randomness of the precession and other astronomical motion of Io and the Earth including the earth's angle to the field and the changes in the magnetic field of the Sun and Jupiter with time. If so we would expect the polar flip flops to be most common when the outer field was or had recently been strong (found by other evidence like the rocks on the moon or mars) and when the Earth was most optimally bevelled to line up the most with the field. While these combinations of precession and the external magnetic field would make the changes in the field more random like in chaos, the mere internal motion of the spin of the Earth alone wouldn't have enough randomness or force to be the cause.
Jupiter's heat is known to be powered most from inside pressure so a continous field is necessary to complete the solar loop and Jupiter's surface would be eroded and bubbled away by millions of years of heat so this would seem to predict that if the ice ages were in general in subgroups they would first be substantial and then smaller if the Impactor would be the cause. The known charted evidence of the more ancient ice ages (like in the mesozoic) shows the earth's ice advancing, with two or three oscillations then falling off. So perhaps as the spot from the comet impactor would bubble, if made of iron it would increase in strength a while where the magnetism of the iron or other such compound was causing more boost in the field power. As well as making the basin it would disperse out and multiply more damping of the field.

It's important to note that both of these more ancient ice ages are in two even time cycles and 5 even cycles. The Permain and the Verangian ice age epochs are seperated generally by 200 million years. The small subphases of millions of years would all be explained by the precession of the earth being of other periods than now, the Permian cycles are about 10 million years.

All this would explain why the earth is not always cycling in and out of ice ages if the combination of this and cycles of polar wandering are so.

Polar wandering explains periods of the ice ages but not the general periods of more duration of geologic time without ice between the ice ages that I think must be explained by a nonperiodic motif to set the general stage. If there were no general change to set the stage the earth would always be in the ice or heat or always cycling in and out of the heat.
There are three general ages of most extreme glaciation in the history of the earth, the Pliestocene from 1 million years ago, the Permo carbinoferous 280 to 350 million years ago, and the Varangian, 570 million years ago. If the regular timing of these three ages may be coincidence with the Permocarboniferous about half way between the Pliestocene and the Varangian, obviously this has an external cause because while slow precession was involved to make the two regular subcycles of the glaciation of the Varangian and the five regular subcycles of the Permocarboniferous of one million years each and the regular cycles of the Pliestocene, the general change would be constant if caused by precession alone, with the earth in an eternal ice age. Thus if the sun cooled in all of these general ages and the cooling might be caused by Jupiter being damped by impactors like the Great Red Spot and the long term cycles are regular it's possible the large impactors are in a 280 million year comet shower cycle with Jupiter. As I say on this page this change in the solar heat may be proven or disproven by the glaciers of Mars which act like a timer since they have polar wandering as the crust has shifted over much time. If there are moons near Jupiter with ancient surfaces the changes in radiation of those times would be stronger if they were caused by the impactor, and this would not just be proof the sun was burning hotter, this would also prove that Jupiter is the cause, being in the same timing but much stronger close up and not much probable to have been influenced as much by the sun as by the change in Jupiter, it perhaps being the cause.

Copyright 2005-10 By Charles Fredrick Lawson